title = "Borderlines in a globalized world. New perspectives in a sociology of the world-system: Social indicators research series",
keywords = "Globalization / Boundaries / Globalization / Boundaries Globalisierung / Grenze / Mitgliedschaft",
author = "Gerhard Preyer and Mathias B{\"o}s",
note = "Includes bibliographical references and index IMD-Felder maschinell generiert (GBV) Alle Personen wegen Universit{\"a}tsbibliographie Heidelberg bitte stehen lassen! HDHB/16.08.2012 (SWB) eb",
year = "2002",
language = "English",
isbn = "1-4020-0515-6",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
address = "Netherlands",