Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies Latest
Oilda Hevia Lanier speaks on Afrocubanas and coloniality in Havana
16 Jun
16. Jun. 2023 15. Jun. 2023 | 10:00 - 16:00
Veranstaltung - CAGS

Oilda Hevia Lanier speaks on Afrocubanas and coloniality in Havana

Mujeres afro-descendientes en La Habana colonial (siglos XVI-XIX) - Afrokubanische Frauen im kolonialen Havanna (16.-19. Jh.)
in the seminar History of enslavement in the Americas (Ulrike Schmieder) - 10.00 Uhr c.t.

Afrocubanas: Historia de un proyecto antirracista - Afrocubanas: Geschichte eines antirassistischen Projektes
in the seminar Coloniality and Gender in the Afro-Latin American World  (Vanessa Ohlraun and Natascha Rempel) - 14.00 c.t.

zu Gast Oilda Hevia Lanier

Oilda Hevia Lanier is a professor of history at the University of Havana and member of the Afro-Cuban Collective. Her publications include "El Directorio Central de las Sociedades de la Raza de Color" (1996), "Prácticas religiosas de los negros en la colonia" (2010), "Emergiendo del silencio: Mujeres negras en la historia de Cuba" (with Daisy Rubiera Castillo, 2016) and "Afrocubanas - History, Thought, and Cultural Practices" (with Daisy Rubiera Castillo and Inés María Martiatu Terry, 2020).

The event is open to all interested parties and will be held in Spanish with German translation.


16. Jun. 2023 15. Jun. 2023
10:00 - 16:00

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Historisches Seminar
Room: B108
Im Moore 21