Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies Latest
Doctoral Conference on the History of Latin America and the Caribbean 2024

Doctoral Conference on the History of Latin America and the Caribbean 2024

Doctoral students in Latin American and Caribbean history from all over Germany presented their research projects at a doctoral conference at Leibniz Universität Hannover on November 29-30, 2024. The diverse topics included, for example, “Memorias transnacionales. Racismo, solidaridad y comunidades sentimentales entre Cuba y la RDA (1961-1990)” (Milagro Alvarez Leliebre, Freie Universität Berlin), ”Tiempos del fascismo. Producción intelectual y literaria fascista y nacionalsocialista en Argentina, Brasil y Chile durante el siglo XX” (Sebastian Martínez Fernández, Leibniz Universität Hannover) and ‘’Su vivir es a la lengua del agua'. The Kukama between deindigenization, reindigenization and the world of rivers” (Arno Holl, University of Münster).

You can find the complete program here.