The potential of art lies in a boundless imagination, based on fantasy, imagination, experiment and fiction. Digital technologies, the digital per se, open up an unlimited space, a virtual world. T he digital is simultaneously tool and material, imagination and form, phantasm and reality. Science is based on facts that are analysed and documented using scientific methods. Science is subject to a defined set of rules that has evolved over centuries. How can art, digital technologies and science be brought together under these conditions? What opportunities lie in a cross-disciplinary connection in this respect? Art gives us the freedom to scrutinise sets of rules and place them in a new context using digital technologies. Science opens up the horizon of science fiction!
A lecture by FH-Prof. Dr Wintersberger, St. Pölten
Markus Wintersberger was born in Krems an der Donau in 1968 and studied at the University of Applied Arts Vienna under Prof Bernhard Leitner. He has been working as a freelance artist since 1995. After working as a lecturer at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, he has been teaching at St. Pölten UAS since 2006 and heads the Experimental Media master class in the Digital Design master's programme. In his research work, Markus Wintersberger deals intensively with the aesthetic and experimental use of media production mechanisms. In doing so, he scrutinises current assumptions of reality from the perspective of an artistic research horizon. He works intensively with Andrea Nagl, Eberhard Kloke, Alois Huber, Hannes Raffaseder, Marcus Josef Weiss and Karlheinz Essl in artistic disciplines such as dance, theatre, drama, new music, opera, visual arts and in the diverse aspects of digital art production.
Friday 17.05.2024, 10.30 - 12.00 a.m.
Room 316, Building 1502
As part of the project: Traspasar Fronteras: Viajes y Migración a través de la Literatura y la Realidad Virtual
A project by Natascha Rempel, M.A. and Dr Jennifer Wengler, M. Ed.
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