Fabio Silva VallejoUniversidad de Magdalena, Institute for Anthropology. Research theme: „Saberes locales, cultura popular y violencia en el Caribe colombiano”. Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2024© Universidad del Magdalena
Carolina JuradoUniversidad de Buenos Aires. Invited as part of the research colloquium of the Center for Atlantic and Global Studies.Year: 2024
María del Rosario DíazUniversidad de la Habana, Kuba. Invited as part of the seminar "Heroines of the 20th Century: Black Women in the Americas" by Vanessa Ohlraun.Year: 2024
Sandra HeidlNegracubana, Afro-Cubanas – La Revista. Invited as part of the seminar "Heroines of the 20th Century: Black Women in the Americas" by Vanessa Ohlraun.Year: 2024
Lucia StecherUniversidad de Chile, Institute of Literature. Research theme: „Afro diasporic writers and artists whose works are centred on the experiences of the slave trade and slavery“ ("Escritores y artistas afrodiaspóricos cuyas obras se centran en las experiencias de la trata de esclavos y la esclavitud"). Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2024© Universidad de Chile
Andrea Montero-Mora, History, University of Costa RicaResearch topic: „Entre la frontera nacional y transnacional. La expansión del banano durante el primer ciclo bananero en el Caribe costarricense (1899-1930)“. Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2024© Universidad de Costa Rica
Claudia ZapataInstitute of History, University of Chile. Research topic: „Racismo, desde estudios que tienen como referente histórico y documental los procesos de colonialismo y esclavización en el Caribe“. Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2024© CALAS
Natalia Cisterna JaraUniversidad de Chile, Institute for Literary studies. Research theme: „Escritoras e intelectuales caribeñas de las primeras décadas del siglo XX“. Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2024© Universidad de Chile
Alina Josefita Bello DotelPontifica Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (Dom. Rep.), Institute for Philosophy. Research theme: „The influence of the Institución Libre de Enseñanza (ILE) and the krausism in the thought of Eugenio María de Hostos“ ("La influencia de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza (ILE) y el krausismo en el pensamiento de Eugenio María de Hostos"). Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2024© Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra
Pablo Hernández HernándezUniversidad de Costa Rica, Institute for Philosophy. Research theme: „The guerrillas of Central America and the Caribbean as models of collective agency in the artistic cultural field of Central America and the Caribbean.“ ("Las guerrillas de Centroamérica y el Caribe como modelos de agencia colectiva en el campo artístico cultural de Centroamérica y el Caribe"). Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2024© Universidad de Costa Rica
David Àlvarez MartínPontifica Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (Dom. Rep.), Institute for Philosophy. Research theme: “Profundizar en los vínculos políticos e ideológicosde sectores de la Iglesia Católica con los regímenes fascistas de Alemania e Italia, y el nacionalcatolicismo español”. Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2024© International Center for Law and Religion Studies
Adrián Esteban Vergara HeidkeUniversidad de Costa Rica, Institute for Literature studies. Research theme: „How does the Relationship between real space and texts (Graffiti) influences people’s placemaking?“ ("¿Cómo influye la relación entre el espacio real y los textos (Graffiti) en la creación de lugares por parte de la gente?"). Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2024
Yury Maria Parra TióPontifica Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (Dom. Rep.), Institute for History. Research theme: „Las Colonias de Cuba y Santo Domingo y su sistema esclavista instaurado a mediados de siglo XVIII y XIX.“. Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2024
Virginia Flores-SassoPontifica Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (Dom. Rep.), Institute for Architecture. Research theme: "El desarrollo de las tecnologías de la construcción y sus modificaciones al llegar al Caribe". Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2023© AdaptCCDR
Amanda Alfaro CórdobaUniversidad de Costa Rica, Institute for Literature studies. Research theme: „Muestra Améfrica Latina, Political Economy and Aesthetics on Central American and Caribbean". Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2023© Universidad de Costa Rica, Academia
Eliana Sanandrés CampisUniversidad del Norte (Colombia), Institute for History. Research theme: „Racism and discrimination in the Greater Caribbean.“ ("Racismo y discriminación en el Gran Caribe"). Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2023© Uniorte Academia
Ivan BallesteroInvited as part of the research colloquium of the Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies.Year: 2023
Isabel BredenbrökerUniversidad de la Habana, Cuba. Invited as part of the seminar "Was macht die Maus im Museum: Kritische Museologie und Archivstudien" by Vanessa Ohlraun and Dr Mareike Späth.Year: 2023
Isabel HerthInvited as part of the research colloquium of the Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies.Year: 2023
Michaela MeurerPhilipps-Universität Marburg. Invited as part of the research colloquium of the Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies.Year: 2023
Klaus MeschkatInvited as part of the research colloquium of the Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies.Year: 2023
Isabel Rojas CastañedaInvited as part of the research colloquium of the Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies.Year: 2023
Oilda Hevia LanierUniversidad de la Habana, Cuba. Invited as part of the seminar "Kolonialität und Gender in der Afro-Lateinamerikanischen Welt" by Vanessa Ohlraun and Natascha Rempel and the seminar "Geschichte der Versklavung" by Ulrike Schmieder.Year: 2023
Roberto González AranaUniversidad del Norte (Colombia), Institute for History. Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2022© Research Gate
Román Alfredo Pevida RosalesPontifica Universidad, Institute for History. Research theme: "La presencia alemana en el Caribe entre los años 1915-1929". Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2022© Pontifica Universidad
Ivonne Molinares GuerreroUniversidad del Norte (Colombia), Institute for History/ Social sciences. Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2022© Research Gate
Orlando Araújo FontalvoUniversidad del Norte (Colombia), Institute for Literature studies. Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2022© Universi Libros
Werner MackenbachUniversidad de Costa Rica, Institute for Literature studies. Research theme: “Pensadoras caribeñas del siglo XX. Una historia intelectual camuflada“. Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2022© CALAS
Nelson Fernando González MartínezUniversidad del Norte (Colombia), Institute for History/ Social sciences. Research theme: "La comunicación en el Caribe neogranadino: flujos de correspondencia en un espacio mulato (1700-1770)". Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2021© Uniorte Academia
Orlando Araújo FontalvoUniversidad del Norte (Colombia), Institute for Literature studies. Research theme: La tradición europea y su influencia en el Caribe columbiano y su expresión en la literatura“. Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2021© Universi Libros
Karen Poe LangUniversidad de Costa Rica, Institute for Cultural studies. Research theme: „Representaciones de la muerte y el duelo en un corpus de novelas y filmes del Gran Caribe (Costa Rica, Guatemala y Haití).“. Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2021© Universidad de Costa Rica
Marianela Muñoz MuñozUniversity of Costa Rica, Institute for Literature studies. Research theme: "Desvío hacia la política nacional: Mujeres afrocaribeñas en el Estado (blanco) costarricense 1978-2018". Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2020© University of Texas at Austin
Roberto González AranaUniversidad del Norte (Colombia), Institute for History. Research theme: „Historia y memoria histórica“. Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2019© Research Gate
Ivonne Molinares GuerreroUniversidad del Norte (Colombia), Institute for History/ Social sciences. Research theme: „Protesta y movilización social en Colombia a comienzos del siglo XX“. Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2019© Research Gate
Sonia Angulo BrenesUniversidad de Costa Rica, Institute for History/ Social sciences. Research theme: “Las expresiones del conflicto social y del movimiento de los trabajadores bananeros costarricenses producidos por la crisis económica global y las formas de organización política desde y frente a esos movimientos tanto por los partidos políticos como por el Estado en Costa Rica, en el período 1929-1940”. Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2019© Universidad de Costa Rica
Román Alfredo Pevida RosalesPontifica Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (Dom. Rep.), Institute for History. Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2019© Pontifica Universidad
Roque Diómedes Santos CuetoPontifica Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (Dom. Rep.), Institute for Philosophy. Research theme: "Imaginario y representación del esclavo en los grabados, litografías y pinturas: una mirada a la región del Caribe español (siglos XVI-XIX)".. Invited as part of the ConnecCaribbean: Connected Worlds network.Year: 2019
The Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies regularly invites international guests to lectures, research activities and cooperation projects.