About this research field
This field of research includes culture of memory and colonial past, provenance and restitution research, (post)colonial crisis phenomena and conflict dynamics, racism.
Dissertationsprojekt: Fragmente kolonialen Sammelns. Erinnerungskulturen zur Kamerun-Sammlung von Kurt Strümpell (1872-1947) im Museum und der mündlichen ÜberlieferungSupervision: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Reinwald | joint project: Provenance Research in Non-European Collection and Ethnography in Lower Saxony - PAESELed by: Isabella Bozsa, M.A. (Historisches Seminar)Year: 2023Funding: VolkswagenStiftung
Afro-Costa Rican Foundational Literature: Approaching the Ignored Histories of Anglophone ProductionSupervision: Prof. Dr Anja Bandau, Romanic Seminar) and Prof. Dr. Jana Gohrisch (English Seminar)Led by: Karla Araya (Universidad de Costa Rica)Year: 2023
Colonial Traces in HanoverThe realisation that Germany is a postcolonial society has become increasingly established among the German public in recent years. With this, the question of how Germany should deal with its own colonial past is also gaining in importance. In this context, projects on (post-)colonial tracing, especially those that turn their attention to hitherto less noticed locations, situations and actors, have a special academic and social relevance.Led by: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Reinwald, Jana Nadine Otto, M.AYear: 2022
Dealing with Violence – Resolving Conflicts in Africa, Latin America and the CaribbeanInternational ConferenceLed by: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Reinwald, Prof. Dr. Christine Hatzky und Prof. Dr. Wolfgang GabbertYear: 2022Funding: VolkswagenStiftung
© College of Law and Governmance Studies Addis Ababa University
Erwerbsstrategien und Wissensproduktion von Objekten der kolonialen Kamerun-Sammlung des Landesmuseums HannoverSupervision: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Reinwald | joint project: Provenance Research in Non-European Collection and Ethnography in Lower Saxony - PAESELed by: Bianca Baumann, M.A. (Historisches Seminar)Year: 2022Funding: VolkswagenStiftung
African and South Asian Diaspora Cultures in Contemporary BritainLed by: Prof. Dr. Jana GohrischYear: 2022
The Literature of Post-Slavery: Imagining Agency after AbolitionLed by: Prof. Dr. Jana GohrischYear: 2022
Anthropology and Contemporary Visual Arts from the Black AtlanticBetween the Art Museum and the Ethnological Museum in the Global North, Summer Schools in Dakar, Senegal (March 2019), Port-au-Prince, Haiti (June 2019) and Hannover (April 2020) / postponed to 2021 due to the pandemicLed by: Prof. Dr. Brigitte ReinwaldYear: 2021
Territorio, Autonomía y Autodeterminación de las comunidades Mapuche. Una visión desde la palabra, la práctica y la legalidadSupervision: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang GabbertLed by: Javier Lastra BravoYear: 2020
Habilitation: Appropriations of Time and Space in Industrial Capitalist England. Historical Cultural Studies in PracticeSupervision: Prof. Dr. Jana GohrischLed by: Dr. Ellen Grünkemeier (Englisch Seminar)Year: 2020
Dissertation: „Traditions can be changed: Tanzanian nationalist debates around decolonizing ‘race’ and gender, 1960s-1970s”Supervision: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Reinwald, Prof. Dr. Mathias BösLed by: Dr. des. Harald Barre (Historisches Seminar)Year: 2020
Dissertation: „Afrikanische Initiativen zur Abolition an der Goldküste, 1841-1897. Die Einstellung lokaler Akteure zu Sklaverei und Sklavenhandel“Published as: "From Slavery and Freedom. African Abolition Initiatives on the Gold Coast (1841-1897)“ (Frankfurt/Main: Campus 2019) Supervision: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Reinwald, Prof. Dr. Jan-Georg Deutsch (†) (Universität Oxford)Led by: Dr. Steffen Runkel (Historisches Seminar)Year: 2019Funding: DFG (Verbundprojekt „Nach der Sklaverei. Die Karibik und Afrika im Vergleich“)
Middlebrow 2.0 and the Digital Affect: Studying Postcolonial Readers in the Internet EraSupervision: Prof. Dr. Jana Gohrisch)Led by: Hannah PardeyYear: 2019
„Disparate Zukunftsvorstellungen. Kolonialbewegte Jugend zwischen der Weimarer Republik und dem Mandatsgebiet Südwestafrika“Published as: „Kolonial bewegte Jugend. Beziehungsgeschichten zwischen Deutschland und Südwestafrika zur Zeit der Weimarer Republik“ (Bielefeld: transcript 2019) | Supervision: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Reinwald, Prof. Dr. Kirsten Rüther (Universität Wien)Led by: Dr. Susanne Heyn (Historisches Seminar)Year: 2019
Erinnerungen an die atlantische Sklaverei. Frankreich und Spanien, die französische Karibik und Kuba im Vergleich und im Kontext globaler Debatten um das Gedenken an Sklavenhandel und SklavereiBased on the researcher's studies on slavery and postemancipation, especially on the French overseas department of Martinique and on formerly Spanish Cuba, the treatment of historical remains (plantations with the houses of the enslavers and accommodations of the enslaved) and the establishment of memorial sites (monuments and museums) in France and Spain, Martinique and Cuba are examined in the context of global debates on enslavement and remembering, apologising, compensating.Led by: PD Dr. Ulrike SchmiederYear: 2018Duration: 2018-2022
© Ulrike Schmieder
PAESE - Provenance Research in Non-European Collection and Ethnography in Lower SaxonyThe PAESE joint research project is based on close cooperation between the universities of Hanover, Göttingen and Oldenburg and various museums in Lower Saxony (Hanover, Hildesheim, Göttingen, Braunschweig & Oldenburg). By jointly researching the non-European ethnological collections there with researchers and museum representatives from the different regions of origin (Namibia, Cameroon, Tanzania, Central Australia & Papua New Guinea), the project systematically contributes to the international transfer of knowledge between universities and museums.Led by: Prof. Dr. ReinwaldYear: 2018Duration: 2018-2022
Dissertation: „Die Familie als (anti-)koloniale Metonymie: Jamaika und Südafrika in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. (The Family as Anti-Colonial Metonymy: Jamaica and South Africa in the First Half of the Twentieth Century)“Supervision: Prof. Dr. Jana GohrischLed by: Henning Marquardt (Englisches Seminar)Year: 2014
Handlungsstrategien ehemaliger Sklaven und Sklavinnen in Kuba und Martinique nach der Abschaffung der SklavereiThis project aims to examine the period after the abolition of slavery on the Caribbean islands of Cuba (1886) and Martinique (1848) with regard to the transition from slave labour to other forms of labour (forced labour, free wage labour, share cropping), the transformations of gender relations with regard to new divisions of labour, new forms of couple and family relationships, intra- and inter-ethnic conflicts as well as the political and cultural resistance of the former slaves against new bondage and racial discrimination as well as cultural paternalism by state and church authorities. | Sub-project of the joint project: "After Slavery - The Caribbean and Africa in ComparisonLed by: PD Dr. Ulrike SchmiederYear: 2010Funding: DFGDuration: 2010-2014
After Slavery - Comparing the Caribbean and AfricaLed by: Prof. Dr. Brigitte ReinwaldYear: 2010Funding: DFGDuration: 2010-2013
Afro-American Missionaries and Settlers in West AfricaPart of the joint project "After Slavery - Comparing the Caribbean and Africa".Led by: Prof. Dr. Katja Füllberg-StolbergYear: 2010Funding: DFGDuration: 2010-2013